Why Should Scientists Read Poems?

March 03, 2018

The simple answer is because its fun fun for everyone. Have you ever sat through a science class and wondered what it would be like if Mr. Stone read a book like the Cat in the Hat? Poetry makes everything just all the more fun. You get to see a side to teachers (and people in general) you never knew by having them recite poetry. Instead of constantly fiddling with numbers and bunsen burners, scientists should take a break and enjoy some poetry, like Mr. Stone:

-Leslie Anukwu

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  1. Very clever approach to the prompt. Basically anything with Mr. Stone in it has to be exceedingly good, and this was no exception!

  2. I really enjoyed how you tackled this problem. Mr. Stone makes everything super fun and enjoyable. And I agree with your statement that "instead of constantly fiddling with numbers and bunsen burners, scientists should take a break and enjoy some poetry" because it is a great way to unwind!

  3. Good idea to collaborate with Mr. Stone. I enjoyed you conversation explaining the project and talking him into participating as much as the poem reading itself. I would have loved to hear you ask Mr. Stone why he thinks scientists should read poems (or if he does...)

  4. I loved watching Mr Stone read the poem! You should get more science teachers to do it.

  5. Haha! This was such a clever idea, Leslie! I really like how you took this post to an elevated level of personal by incorporating Mr. Stone. Great job!

  6. This was a very clever way to attack the prompt. You could have written a more traditional argumentative piece (as I probably would have done if I had had this prompt), but you made a much more interesting piece-- it was definitely more *fun* to read and watch.

  7. I love how you creatively approached the prompt and got Mr. Stone to read the poem! Incredibly clever, great post :)

  8. Very ingenious approach to the poetry problem- hearing Mr. Stone read a poem was pretty interesting, and I would've liked to hear his thoughts on the problem and poetry in general. Good solution!

  9. I loved seeing Mr. Stone read Dr. Seuss! This was a really creative way to illustrate the poetry problem. I'd love to see a series made like for the Gargoyle or something: Mr. Stone reads Dr. Seuss - a video series.

  10. I really really liked the creativity you put into this solution. It was so fun and engaging! Additionally, i think it was super clever to involve Mr. Stone in the video. He’s so funny and is a perfect example for why scientist should read poems! Good work!
