- E ; - S

February 15, 2018

by Lah Wallac and Austin Chn

To do from Today:
Fill Butt-fruit’s* hay rack with hay
Put Molly out to sniff around
Walk up many stairs
(Gasp for air)
Sit and study and supply your mind with important information
(Shoot pics for Publication)
Psychology Journal Part fünf**
Catch the bus for 독일 사람***
Hurry to study hall
Rush to swallow down lunch
Nap and music jam
(Instruct kids on good swim skills)
School work
(90% fooling around, 10% work)
(Tofu stir fry)
Bath with music for that moodTM
Lights out

*my guinea pig’s name is Peaches aka a butt-fruit
**“five” in German
***“German” in Hangul

Writing the poem had challenged the author, and they had to incorporate German and Hangul.
The poem incorporated a pop culture reference with “butt-fruit” meaning peach, due to the peach looking like a butt. We found the poem writing experience to be hard due to not being experienced with poem writing.

I had a hard time; I would exchange one word in different language and reference pop culture (peach=butt fruit)

Another difficulty: I don't write poetry and had no idea what to write about, but I've been writing a lot of to-do agendaz lately.

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  1. I really enjoyed your schedule! I'm in charge of feeding my cat and changing the litter box. Is taking care of a guinea pig similar to taking care of a cat? Nice blogpost and have a good day you two!

  2. This was very funny. It's also a pretty wild modernist-esque poem. It's somewhat reminiscent of some of the poems of E.E. Cummings (or *.*. Cummingz). Renaming your guinea pig "Butt-Fruit" because of the "e" in "Peaches" was maybe the funniest part of this. I like the footnotes. I would have liked to hear how the collaboration worked here. (I myself am a fan of " to-do agendas.")

  3. I like all the creative ways you worked around to avoid the letter E. Great Job!
