My Poem Doesn't Fit Inside My Box!

January 28, 2018

I'm facing quite a problem,
with my new poem I've written.
You see I have to come up with a rig because
My poem is way too big
To fit inside my box.
I might turn it into a pig
And lay down and snuggle up.
But a pig is still quite big
For a little poem box.
So I think I’ll try something new,
And turn my poem into a fox.
A fox is sly and quiet,
And not as big as a pig.
I’ll give it a blanket,
And let it fall asleep.
Goodnight little poem fox!

Thanks for fitting into my poem box!

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  1. I like this poem. It's clever and fun.

  2. Very cute. I like the subtle allusion to pigs in blankets. (And maybe Fox in Socks? Fox in Box?)

  3. This is very cute, I like how you say you will turn your poem into a pig just so it can fit inside your box. I also like the allusions Dr. Majerus pointed out in her comment. Great work :)

  4. This was such a cute poem, but what if the pig was a tea cup pig, how big is to big if not a tea cup pig? I like pigs more than foxes, well kind of it depends on the circumstance... Nice blog post!

  5. I loved the themes you used throughout the poem, it made it a very fun read

  6. awww I really like the cute images that were used for this poem. The tone is really whimsical and fun, and I could see this being a really interesting poem to illustrate. And I love the idea of a "little poem fox"!
